This is a program that you can store your client into, it's for small client database of 0-800, although there is no real limit . It has features like adding, editing and removing contacts. You are able to search though all contacts to look for items (ie search all contacts for the word branded - it then lists all clients that have that word), can do mass emails and moreThe emaillist manager of this program helps you take care of your email list. It is where you can take care of your email lists, import lists, check the emails sytax (does it have a @) check emails and also check emails that you have 'black listed'. Black lists can be also imported and exported.
Please not these are free downloads but you still need to purchase the Regkey serial number key for unlockingyour software,to finish the install process.
All : Windows, including Windows 8, & 8.1 /7,ME,XP ,VISTA,2000.